
Human Resources

Gezderi Sentetik Deri, which achieves its success with the power and support of its employees and believes that its most important value is human resources,

  • To recruit qualified manpower with the knowledge and skills required by the task,
  • To provide an effective communication and motivation environment where employees can use their creativity and express their ideas,
  • To follow a participatory management policy that combines different perspectives and knowledge,
  • To support continuous learning and development by prioritizing the personal and professional development of its employees,
  • To reward and encourage high performance by evaluating employee performances with objective criteria,
  • To provide a good environment for communication and teamwork within the company,
  • Developing and implementing systems that encourage and reward success,
  • It has adopted as a human resources policy to always offer the best to its employees by implementing innovative human resources practices.

Internship Opportunities

Our company provides internship opportunities to high school and university students, believing that internships are of great importance in preparing young people for professional life. In our internship programs, it is aimed to help students see the applications of the theoretical knowledge they have acquired and to have a general idea about business life.

Our companies recruit interns in May for the summer term and in September for the winter term, and the internship periods are determined in line with the intensity of the projects and the needs. Intern candidates must have a grade point average showing academic success, internship dates are compatible with working hours, and internship is compulsory, etc. must meet the criteria.

Job application form


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