We have read and are aware of the United Nations’ “Our Common Future” (Brundtland) report, which was the first to introduce the concept of sustainability in 1987. We understand how important sustainability is for all of us, especially for future generations.
To live a more sustainable life, we are striving to consume existing resources at a slower rate, keeping in mind the needs of future generations, and reorganizing living conditions.
We first control and minimize our impact on the environment. We use science to develop new technologies and products that are both environmentally friendly and human-centered.

Akçaburgaz Mahallesi, Osmangazi Caddesi No: 5 Esenyurt / İstanbul
(+90 212) 886 79 69
(+90 212) 886 79 77 (pbx)
Akçaburgaz Mahallesi, Osmangazi Caddesi No: 5 Esenyurt / İstanbul
(+90 212) 886 79 69
(+90 212) 886 79 77 (pbx)
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